Latest fromMiddle East

Mecca for the rich: Islam's holiest site 'turning into Vegas'
Once a dusty desert town, Mecca now soars above its surroundings with a glittering array of skyscrapers and luxury hotels.

Clean energy: A faded shade of green
At the start of this century, clean energy was all the rage. The revolution may still be happening, but it's taking its time, reports Peter Huck.

NZ tuition fees among world highest
Tuition fees at New Zealand universities are among the highest in the world, according to a new report. New Zealand had the seventh-most expensive tuition fees for universities, with entrants paying more than $3600 a year.

Paul Holmes: Our unique weekend of pain and joy
We'll remember 9/11, but we've also got the rugby and a brilliant city.

Rugby World Cup: High hopes for opening ceremony
What goes into the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup? More than you'd think. Rebecca Kammgoes behind the scenes with some of the busy key players charged with bringing it all together

Zain Ali: How the Muslim world can help New Zealand
he time is right to engage economically with Islamic finance, writes Zain Ali, head of the Islamic studies research unit at the University of Auckland.

Fran O'Sullivan: NZ reaction to Israel 'scandal' exposes official wariness
The close scrutiny of the young tourists shows the SIS harbours deep suspicions when it comes to Israeli activity

Israelis seize protest yacht as it tries to run blockade
Israeli commandos yesterday boarded and seized control of a yacht carrying pro-Palestinian activists.