Landlords say tax loophole is 'bribe' to switch to social housing
Tax breaks a huge incentive for landlords to evict hard workers - rent to social housing.
Tax breaks a huge incentive for landlords to evict hard workers - rent to social housing.
More than 20 per cent of Auckland SME's said they didn't expect their business to survive.
ANZ and Kiwibank to increase variable rates for borrowers.
The cycle of super cheap debt is coming to an end, writes CMC Markets GM Chris Smith.
No sign yet of the mortgage holidays and rent freezes of 2020's lockdown.
Mortgage debt has ballooned to over $317 billion.
The number of borrowers with million dollar plus mortgages has doubled in four years.
Why mortgage rate rises could hurt borrowers faster this time around.
An increase in interest rates looks set to put a squeeze on borrowers.
All four of the major banks have now confirmed an increase in rates.
The policy pieces are all falling into place, but will the housing market listen?
The missing house, the dead body, the secret affair, and the SFO investigation.
New rules see changes to those wanting to draw down mortgages on small apartments.
Westpac's decision not to sell its NZ operation is a moral victory for the Reserve Bank.
Warning comes as mortgage rates expected to begin rising from the end of this year.
Borrowers and investors would be wise to take heed of likely interest rate rises.
SFO investigators searched several properties associated with the probe last week.
Squirrel is launching a new product aimed at helping Kiwis get on the property ladder.
The RBNZ continues to keep its options wide open as it deals with Covid-19 uncertainty.
While lower interest rates help homeowners, rising rents just add to pressure on the poor.
Mortgaged investors bought up 30 per cent of the properties sold in January.
What will happen when the mortgage deferral scheme ends?
The mortgage war is being fought at an even lower benchmark now.
Banks have been asked to restrict investor lending immediately.
Historically low interest rates means buying is cheaper than renting.
The pressure is growing to slow down the property market.
BNZ and ASB have fallen into line and matched Westpac and ANZ.
Investment expert Mark Lister on why it might pay to lock in a record-low mortgage rate.