![House mortgage market drying up](/pf/resources/images/placeholders/placeholder_l.png?d=871)
House mortgage market drying up
The number of people who received mortgages in the first quarter of this year was 30 per cent down on 2009.
The number of people who received mortgages in the first quarter of this year was 30 per cent down on 2009.
Would-be housebuyers struggling to scrape together a deposit have a glimmer of hope, as banks appear to be loosening the purse strings.
Mary Holm's financial advice column features an accountant who's fed up with complaining landlords.
Shareholders in rural services company Allied Farmers stand to lose out over an estimated $24 million mortgage on the Jack Nicklaus-designed Kinloch Golf Club near Lake Taupo.
Bishop Brian Tamaki is paid an average of $3000 each time he preaches at a Destiny Church outside of Auckland.
Before you start house-hunting, you need to figure out how much you can afford to borrow.
New Zealand home affordability improved slightly in January after a fall in median house prices more than offset a small increase in fixed mortgage rates.
John Dorbu writes on capital gains tax and selling investment properties on the cheap.
State-owned Kiwibank has cut its variable mortgage rate to 5.65 per cent.
ANZ National Bank has slashed its variable home mortgage rates - putting pressure on other banks to follow suit.
Auckland is fast catching Queenstown again as the least affordable region in New Zealand.
More affordable homes are driving enthusiasm in property sales, but experts warn the relatively cheaper housing may not last.
Boom or bust? Property writer Anne Gibson looks at predictions for the year.