'Rapidly rising': Kiwis face housing pain despite inflation drop
Food prices have stabilised, but insurance, rates and rents are still “rising rapidly".
Food prices have stabilised, but insurance, rates and rents are still “rising rapidly".
Falling inflation today provided more good news as banks start cutting interest rates.
As the inflation rate drops close to the target range, calls for early cuts are growing.
One company is offering eligible buyers money for deposits so they can afford a house.
Consumer Price Index data should confirm whether November rate cut hopes are on the mark.
The amount varies whether you are single or a couple with children.
The first bank moves to drop home loan rates after the Reserve Bank signals 'dovish' tone.
A series of stats out this week have collectively painted a bleak picture of the economy.
The OCR stays on hold but the RBNZ statement hints at an earlier start for rate cuts.
Chilly weather matches a particularly cold Auckland market for house sales and values.
New restrictions could mean banks won't have a mortgage boom if interest rates drop.
Interest rates, insurance costs, council rates tip some homeowners into difficulty.
Could fake milk ruin our economy, and what should we make of the latest tech 'hype cycle'?
Economists say for most of us it's a matter of holding on.
ANZ has downgraded its expectations for house price growth this year.
Opinion: Deciphering Boffinese inflation-speak, and is Temu killing our economy?
They're okay, but only just - and not without sacrifices and side hustles.
OPINION: When cheap cheese drives people crazy, and why private debt is a public problem.
Analysts CoreLogic say Auckland is among the regions with the biggest price falls.
Homestay students or flatmates helping people cope with rising costs.
'We are paying too much tax and the cost of living... is going up all the time.'
The restrictions will likely limit home loan lending during boom times.
Kiwibank's revised one-year term deposit offering surpasses the 6 per cent mark.
The Reserve Bank has kept the OCR on hold at 5.5 per cent.
The Reserve Bank makes its latest call on whether it will cut the OCR or not.
OPINION: Liam Dann answers economics questions and digs through the week's economic news.
Markets are impatient for rate cuts but the RBNZ is expected to hold firm.
Financial Times: Worried EU policymakers are searching for ways to inject some dynamism.
Homes bought for record high prices are going back on sale.
OPINION: More migrants, fewer jobs? And what's driving olive oil and coffee price spikes?