And the winner of Michael Moore vs Trump is...
The famed documentary maker takes on Trump in his new doco. Here's the score card.
The famed documentary maker takes on Trump in his new doco. Here's the score card.
The comic actress tries her hand at true crime in Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Movie review: The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
Are J.K Rowling's beasts fantastic the second time round?
Bang! Bang! Joaquin's silver hammer came down upon his head...
Peter Jackson leaves the fantasy world behind and gets brutally real...
Should you get stuck into The Girl in the Spider's Web? We review the hacker's return
Is there a kind of magic to the Freddy Mercury movie or does it bite the dust?
We take the new documentary on local motorsport hero Scott Dixon out for a spin
It's stranger than fiction but will this heist doco steal your imagination?
Brimstone & Glory shows how one small Mexican village lets their colours burst
We brave the dark to review the new Halloween movie.
Do Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper make sweet music together in A Star is Born?
What do they call this movie in France? El Royale with cheese.
Is the moon landing movie First Man worth the trip? Here's our review.
Does Phoenix elevate biopic Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot to greatness?
Movie review: The House with a Clock in its Walls
A new documentary shows the remarkable woman behind the meme
Christopher Robin is a child-like story mixed with complex adult themes.
There's a bumper crop of new films out and we've reviewed them all!