Latest fromNelson

Key in Burma: The Herald interview
As John Key wraps up an important Burma visit, he talks to Herald Political Editor Audrey Young about what he's learned and seen.

Stranded whales to be euthanised
The Department of Conservation has confirmed that the decision has been made to euthanise the remaining 16 whales who became stranded at Farewell Spit.

Man charged with assault, throwing victim overboard
A 53-year-old man has been charged with assaulting another man and throwing him overboard from a yacht in the Marlborough Sounds.

Crewman dies on fishing vessel
A Nelson man has died on board a fishing vessel travelling to Nelson from Mauritius. He'd been reported dead by the captain on Sunday.

Dragon surprise for Nelson shopper
A Nelson woman has discovered that one retailer will still go the extra mile when it comes to customer service.

Severe flooding cuts off Westport
Despite heavy rain beginning to ease around the Tasman region, flooding around Westport still has the town completely cut off. The rain is set to continue over the lower half of the North Island through Monday.