Latest fromNelson

Surge in Kiwis looking for love online
The number of Kiwis using internet dating sites spiked in January, a poll has found.

Gas link possible in Nelson nerve-disease deaths
Scientists are investigating a possible link between a rare degenerative nerve disease and a toxic gas blamed for four Nelson port workers 'deaths.

Police disappointed after wrong family advised of death
Police slam the "negligent behaviour" of a person who informed the wrong family about a tragic logging death after listening in on a police scanner.

Eavesdropper tells wrong family of death
An eavesdropper informed the wrong family that a relative of their's had died following a forestry accident today.

Police seek advice on charging blogger
Police are seeking legal advice on whether to lay further charges against blogger Cameron Slater for breaching suppression orders.

Mental health worker stabbed, beaten by patient
An inquiry has been launched after a mental health worker was stabbed, kicked and had boiling water thrown over her by a patient.

Wild weather to hit southern, central parts
A vigorous front which has hammered the lower South Island with high winds and rain will attack central parts of the country today.

Nelson, Coromandel take 'worst-behaved' awards
Nelson and the Coromandel proved to be the nation's black spots when it came to the nation's New Year celebrations last night.

Quiet night for New Year celebrations
Revellers celebrating New Year and the start of a new decade in New Zealand behaved themselves last night.

North Island set for soaking
Parts of the North Island are set for a soaking today, with up to 140mms of rain expected to fall in some areas.

Nelson fire could take week to extinguish
A large scrub fire south of Nelson has been contained but may take a week to fully extinguish.