Doctor caught drink-driving at more than four times legal limit
Members of the public alerted police to Andrew Lukaszewicz's erratic driving.
Members of the public alerted police to Andrew Lukaszewicz's erratic driving.
Cornered in a dead end, the vehicle rammed into the police car rendering it immobile.
A tree has crashed through a kitchen in the Christchurch suburb of Cashmere.
The woman's lawyer said she was remorseful and "absolutely devastated."
The clinician assessing the defendant needs more time to complete a psychological report.
Breast-imaging radiologist says he'd had just two glasses of wine after blowing 1126mcg.
The driver recorded a breath-alcohol level of 1392mcg, police say.
Four drones have been spotted in North Otago in the past fortnight.
Expressions of interest to build a hotel near Forsyth Barr Stadium have been called for.
Police had suspended the search in Alexandria for the 17-year-old, but it is now back on.
Trusts used to hide relationship property are under attack and may be losing their power.
Police issue a second appeal to help find the missing 17-year-old.
Police said new information led them to believe she was not in the area being searched.
Police have concerns regarding the whereabouts of 17-year-old Caitlin.
Nadine Tomlinson & her 3-year-old son Angus died after becoming trapped inside a tractor.
28-year-old Kirsty Moffett died in a crash in Otago last year.
Awards were a "beacon at the end of 15 months of uncertainty".
The Christchurch-based business took out gold in the commercial wholesale category.
It was issued after intermittent elevated lead readings were found in drinking water.
Dunedin man Dion Kyle, 39, was also convicted of sex offences in 2004 and 2012.
His recent resource consent victory has been appealed to the Environment Court.
It was a pretty impressive couple of days for the 17-year-old Kavanagh College head girl.
Kim Kennedy travelled to Newcastle to visit her sick mum, who has since died.
A significant number of high security prisoners to be moved to Otago Corrections Facility.
Brothers' spree resulted in an associate dropped off at hospital with a shotgun wound.
Man allegedly told victim: "I know you love it. Just let me do it."
Reginald Ozanne claims he has no memory of stabbing Star, a family pet, 41 times.
Sight of pig carcasses at busy airport criticised – but many voice support for hunter.
A security guard was allegedly assaulted outside the premises.
The third-ranked MP believes this is better than allocating shovel-ready funding.