Pedestrian seriously hurt after being hit by car in Dunedin
Police were called to the intersection of Albany and Clyde Sts at 10.05pm on Thursday.
Police were called to the intersection of Albany and Clyde Sts at 10.05pm on Thursday.
A fire crew was called in to check the incident at about 7.30am on Friday.
Annika Ludlow pleaded guilty to two charges of driving with an excess blood-alcohol level.
Before Covid, Roys Peak was one of the most Instagrammed spots in New Zealand.
Jesse Samuel's death has "ripped me apart", mum says.
A member of the public called DOC as they were concerned about the sea lion's welfare.
Bargain Chemist is making its first foray into Otago.
There are concerns people may face discrimination due to similarities with Covid symptoms.
The 66-year-old died after a tractor he was driving rolled.
'Boys get the priority', says McAuley High School principal Jan Waelen.
Heavy rain and strong winds are set to put a dampener on summer in parts of NZ today.
Matakaua Rouvi, 62, appeared to have unrealistic expectations about his release.
Mandy Wennekes had had horses wandering up her property before — but never a sea lion.
Criticism comes after Otago had its worst road toll for more than a decade: 25 deaths.
NZ's best beach finalists: Today we profile the Travel team's three "wildcards".
A police spokeswoman said the incident happened about 1.50pm.
A police spokeswoman said the incident happened at about 1.50pm on Friday.
The vineyard company owed more than $12 million at the time it went into receivership.
The column outlines the failings of elected representatives.
Gary Wayne Phillips, 65, died when his ute rolled on State Highway 8 on Thursday.
The shift to a restricted season begins at 8am today.
Lagwesha Mercer, 28, was sentenced in the Dunedin District Court on Tuesday.
Carrick Wines had been for sale for about 18 months before it's sole director was killed.
Chicken deaths disaster: Animal welfare inspectors spread way too thin, legal expert says.
One incident involved a drunk woman fleeing police with two toddlers in the car.
A cold snap brought around 8cm of snow to the Cardrona Alpine Resort today.
It had proposed an increase of $20 to $30 a month for most of its 90,000 customers.
Five regions recorded the biggest price rises - and one small district topped the lot.
Dunedin man Kazushi Noiri began a scuba dive off Wellers Rock about 3.10pm last Monday.
Simple safety practices can prevent 'a potentially fatal ... infection', researcher says.