Party attack: 'Am I really free?' - man's 19 months of anguish before case canned
A man spent more than 19 months on bail, but charges were dismissed after just one day.
A man spent more than 19 months on bail, but charges were dismissed after just one day.
Team of detectives working on investigation into Auckland woman's death.
A Subaru WRX was stolen from outside a Port Chalmers property.
She started stealing from supermarkets, then stooped lower still.
Christchurch International Airport Ltd is planning to construct an airport in Tarras.
The abuse took place in the 1970s and early 1980s.
The industry has faced criticism for not responding to kiwi applications for jobs.
Auckland businesswoman ran into financial difficulties before her suspected murder.
A drug dealer who scammed a couple of French tourists has been sentenced.
The Queenstown Lakes district has been the hardest hit.
Summer may be starting off cool but it won't stay that way.
The woman was sentenced to six months' home detention.
Police at a routine Southland checkpoint operation got more than they bargained for.
Ticket Rocket owes creditors several million dollars and lacks the funds to pay.
City north of Wellington holding its breath through heavy rain after flooding yesterday.
Two boozy drivers speeding at more than 150km/h have been harshly criticised by police.
A day spent eating lamb and drinking pinot at Camp Glenorchy.
Raising orphan chick Marvin like having a newborn baby again, celebrity cook says.
The region's cherries could ripen before workers arrive to pick them, mayor says.
Matthew Wallis was killed when his helicopter crashed into Lake Wanaka in 2018.
The Badenhorst family is used to farm life, but farm shed life is a different story.
Matthew Wallis died when the aircraft he was flying crashed in July 2018.
Tragedy was one of two fatal chopper crashes to befall the same family that year.
A Dunedin trio trashed and flooded a historic building during lockdown.
Mother's home and possessions destroyed by neighbour's smouldering fire pit.
The 'beautifully presented' 900ha property has been in the Jardine family for a century.
Milton man who committed a 'devastating' rape has been denied parole for the second time.
The gecko was euthanised after he was unable to be revived during treatments.
Mob member's parole breach has brought another term of imprisonment.
Venod Skantha is again pointing the finger at the Crown's key witness.