Warning issued over Tongan aircraft
The Government is warning New Zealanders flying in Tonga it will be at their own risk as the national airline has bought a plane which has been involved in numerous crashes.
The Government is warning New Zealanders flying in Tonga it will be at their own risk as the national airline has bought a plane which has been involved in numerous crashes.
Missionary messages still resonate in the islands, writes Robyn Yousef.
Racism is no part of the issue, writes Hussein Rawlings. Nor should we fear the accusation of "protectionism". Are Indonesia, China, or Thailand challenged on their land ownership laws?
An Austrian couple have been rescued from their yacht near American Samoa after getting into trouble for the second time in a week.
On a small ship, free of the 'ra! ra!' bustle of big liners, Pamela Wade takes a dive.
Colourful church services are a glorious way to enjoy Sundays in paradise, finds Pamela Wade.
A visit to Honolulu is usually about Waikiki beach, Pearl Harbor and the nearly 300 shops of AlaMoana mall. But Oahu has a many hidden gems dotted around the island that are well worth visiting.
Want a break from the kids on your family holiday? Danielle Wright discovers kids clubs in Fiji.
Thanks to blockbuster movies and intrepid travel programmes, New Zealanders are broadening their holiday horizons.
Pam Neville leaves the resort and heads for the hills on a Fijian cave safari.
The South Seas' most famous hotel is unbowed by Cyclone Evan, writes Robyn Yousef.
The world's first airline to charge people according to their weight is set to introduce an "executive row", with extra space and no armrests, to cater for bigger passengers.
Graham Reid travels to Niue, one of the Pacific's most accessible islands.
On safari in Fiji? Yep, with caves and bloodthirsty tales, says Russell Blackstock.
Exquisite Fakarava is a Unesco biosphere reserve and a pearl of French Polynesia, discovers Pamela Wade
Samoa's Teuila Festival is a weekend of music and celebration, writes Chloe Johnson.
When traditional fare is blended with five-star cuisine, Fiji becomes a fine food destination, writes Paul Rush.
Leena Tailor finds something for everyone at the Disney resort of Aulani.
With help from a local, Graham Reid goes in search of an elusive meal on Niue.
Behind Lifou's idyllic facade lies adventure, discovers Belinda Merhab.
A glider ride takes in the islands' more isolated spots - including the beach from Lost, says Yvonne Tahana.
With stand-up paddleboarding an emerging global craze, I figure the best place to learn is in Hawaii, where the sport began.
Pacific health experts are calling for a quota on the amount of fatty food exported to the Pacific Islands, where heart disease, diabetes and obesity are the norm.
Derek Cheng takes a detour from the resorts and stumbles across something authentic.