Latest fromPacific Islands

Regular guests rally to start rebuild
A NZ couple are appealing for former guests of a Lalomanu resort to offer tools and expertise to rebuild it after the tsunami.

Tsunami: Looting hardest to take – NZ victim
A NZ woman whose home and possessions were washed away by the tsunami found the looting that followed tougher to deal with.

Sea no longer the same - tsunami victims' parents
The parents of two girls killed in Samoa's tsunami describe their ordeal as New Zealand's death toll rises to seven.

Tsunami refugees too scared to leave high ground
In the hills above the stricken south coast of Samoa, 49 people are huddled under one tarpaulin.

Desperate actions save baby's life
As the water receded Ioka Fa'aliga-Fauena Yi clutched the body of her lifeless baby, said a prayer and sucked his nose.

<i>Oscar Kightley</i>: Samoa - paradise lost
Oscar Kightley was home in Samoa this year as the people prepared for a tsunami - now he contemplates the challenge of rebuilding a nation.

Star's chicken killing provokes outrage
Bad boy Dancing With The Stars judge Brendan Cole has caused international outrage by stoning a chicken to death on a TVNZ reality show.

Samoa gears up for disease outbreak
John Key last night voiced fears that the death toll in tsunami stricken Samoa could rise even higher with the outbreak of disease.

John Key arrives in Samoa
John Key has arrived in Samoa to see for himself the destruction caused by this week's earthquake and tsunami.

Woman clings to tree as tsunami washes through
Samoan teacher Kalolo Punefu says she feels lucky to be alive after wall of water destroyed her village.

Details of missing NZers emerge as victims return home
84-year-old South Auckland grandmother is among those confirmed dead.

Elderly villager hangs on for dear life
A naked 84-year-old Lemafa Atia'e wasn't afraid as he clung for his life to his neighbour's steel house post while waves crashed over him.