Outrage after woman gets pet cat tattooed
She wanted her cat to be 'glamorous', but now she's been accused of 'torturing' it.
She wanted her cat to be 'glamorous', but now she's been accused of 'torturing' it.
A farmer has been taken to Waikato Hospital after being attacked by a bull.
Rescue dog Nora is terrified of everything - except toddler Archie, her best mate.
The whale, nicknamed Willy, can be seen swimming close to shore on Hahei beach.
The study found dogs are more likely to use puppy-dog eyes when humans are watching them.
Can we control our dreams? New research suggests we can manipulate the experience.
The SPCA thinks the next generation hold the key to halting animal abuse.
Terrorists might be heading to US but you know who doesn't care? Lulu the black Lab.
SAFE have released a video to raise awareness of Rodeo cruelty and to prompt people to take action against it. YouTube / SAFEAnimalAdvocacy
A man's weapon of choice in his midnight spider battle led to him losing his home.
A woman won a major art award for an unusual project involving her dog.
Waikato's very own "pet detective" or "cat cop" reunites missing cat with owners
Save Kiwi Month is New Zealand's national campaign to raise awareness
Nathan is going to make you question everything you know about cats.
These horses have been bred to look like cartoon faces.
Jacinda Ardern's partner shares tale of friend drugging the neighbour's cat.
Jacinda Ardern's partner shares tale of friend drugging the neighbour's cat.
The world's most endangered animals as you've never seen them before.
A Milton dairy farmer with a pet lamb that thinks he is a cat has captured footage of him squeezing through his cat-door. Source: Otago Daily Times / Marc Hyslop
Tia the police cat spends most of her shift napping.
The slobbery pooch with an unbelievably long tongue.
In late August, the New Zealand Police's much-loved guinea pig mascot died...
Dunedin man believes his cat is scratching on the door of being the world's oldest feline.
It appears Chelsea Winter's cookbooks are as delicious as her recipes.
Woman claimed she had a deadly pet allergy so police were called to remove her from plane.
Council urged to assess all points of view before ruling on contentious euthanasia method.
Our pets love it when we feed them - but it can be a trap if we overdo it.
A puppy playdate ended in chaos on the Auckland Harbour Bridge this afternoon.