Stuck on the wheel: Hamster clings on for dear life
This hamster had a rough day when it got caught in a wheel as its friend span round.
This hamster had a rough day when it got caught in a wheel as its friend span round.
Officer held gator's jaws shut with his bare hands, a technique he learned at his village.
Polar bears enjoy truckloads of delivered snow during a hot summer in Finland.
Animal activists use virtual reality to take people inside a farm shed with caged pigs.
Two penguin carcasses have been discovered after a slip swept away nesting boxes.
Research shows dogs get a rush of "happy hormone" when interacting with humans.
Harry Potter fans could be playing a huge part in the surge in the illegal trade of owls.
We follow this Kiwi Ace Ventura as she tries to track down a beloved lost pup named Marlo.
Meet "Simon and Barkfunkal": A man-and-dog duo singing in perfect harmony.
Let's paws (geddit?) and contemplate this for a second
COMMENT: Animal emotions stare us in the face - are our pets happy?
Finn the star of Purina Pound Pups to Dog Stars is now a lifesaver for his owner.
This story isn't likely to have a happy ending for the wee leopard.
A harmless "monkey selfie" that sent photographer into a court battle has left him broke.
"My jaw dropped". For the first time, a lioness is photographed nursing a baby leopard.
Adopted rescue puppy spotted sharing a blanket with a stray dog on a chilly morning.
The animal was suffering from a raft of unmanageable health problems
Florida plane crash became even more disturbing when an alligator devoured the victim.
Puppy left abandoned in airport had a heartbreaking note attached by owner.
Purebred, schmurebred! Some of the cutest dogs out there are mixed-breed
What happens when a boy meets his new dog? Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Cat beds made in Whanganui go global.
Tumanako, the albatross chick's new name, means hope, wish and desire.
Dog DNA expert Dr Elinor Karlsson will be taking DNA swabs from around 30 dogs at next week’s big Genetics Society of Australasia conference at Otago University.
The heart-melting moment a pooch with highly refined tastes in music strolls onto stage.
After going missing for 96 hours, the smell of sausages proved irresistible for pooches.
Ruth Spencer on why lovers of the great outdoors have it all wrong.