Well-dressed dog has insane $19k wardrobe
An especially pampered pooch has gone viral with her extremely large wardrobe.
An especially pampered pooch has gone viral with her extremely large wardrobe.
Compare animal behaviour to human behaviour and maybe we can learn to be better parents.
In United Airline's latest high-profile disaster a giant rabbit was found dead.
Our geckos are incredibly diverse and have some pretty cool adaptations for life in Aotearoa! In today’s episode of Zoo Tales, Ecotherm keeper Emily tells us what’s so great about New Zealand’s gecko species!
Franklin loves to play hide and seek. Can you spot the cheeky corgi in these pics?
The 25st of April is Penguin's day worldwide. Ebony Dwipayana joins Tristram Clayton to talk about New Zealand's special connection with these birds.
Amber and Shocks "healed each other" after both suffering a bad start in life.
You don't need to be a cat person to love their cartoon counterparts.
Scientists reveal what happens when you leave your dog at home alone.
Cheryl had mistakenly assumed that the convention would be an animal event.
They’re slimy and scary to some, but to Ectotherm keeper Georgia, eels are quirky and curious. In today’s Zoo Tales, learn all about New Zealand longfin eels and the incredible journey they take when it’s time to breed!
Goats and yoga: Two unrelated things that seemingly would not go well together ...
A dog-walker turned heads by performing a quiet stunt at Parliament today.
Fur is flying over a $3000 donation, feral cats - and a 2-legged moggie that uses wheels.
Russian artist has taken the streets of Moscow etch incredible images on dirty vehicles.
Food trends such as paleo, clean eating and raw diets are not just fashionable for humans.
Easter life saver: How to tell if your dog has eaten chocolate and what to do next.
Due to their distinctive call, ruru, New Zealand’s nocturnal owl, are more often heard than seen! In this week’s Zoo Tales, meet Rhu, one of the ruru (morepork) that call Auckland Zoo home.
Nancy Rose builds tiny sets to attract squirrels for photo-shoots.
Boutiques and sushi stores are no place for canines, argues the Newstalk ZB host.
Sky the Siberian Husky found herself buried in an enormous pile of autumn leaves.
Six three-week-old kittens were found dumped and the SPCA is calling for witnesses.
The truth about whether or not this common recommendation for jellyfish stings works.
Sam and his porcine pal Chester have formed an unbreakable bond.
The family of a missing dog fear it may have been stolen from their Mangere home.
Experts say pets expose children to bacteria early in life which boosts their immunity.
Jack Russell "Jacko" has been trapped down the sinkhole since early yesterday.
Ectotherm keeper Mike introduces our Grand and Otago skinks.
This Pomeranian pup has certainly found her prince charming.