'I quit my job to travel with my cat'
When Richard East grew weary of his corporate lifestyle, he decided to trade it all in for a life on the road with a somewhat unusual travelling companion - a little black rescue cat.
When Richard East grew weary of his corporate lifestyle, he decided to trade it all in for a life on the road with a somewhat unusual travelling companion - a little black rescue cat.
Meet Kevin, a four-year-old Russian Blue cat whose distinctive features make him look permanently surprised.
Male nursery web spiders best not show up at a lady's house empty-handed. Because they could get eaten alive for it.
After two misguided tourists tried to rescue a baby bison at Yellowstone last week, the calf ended up euthanised by park officials.
When he couldn't find a date for the school ball, an American teen found a creative solution.
In a new Reddit thread, rangers reveal "the stupidest things they've ever seen a tourist do in a national park".
The Auckland SPCA has been inundated with kittens because of unseasonably warmer weather extending cats' typical breeding season.
It's a long way from the Bombay Hills and pet food to the jungles of Borneo and an endangered species - but animal lover and former vet nurse Samantha Boston is excited about her latest challenge.
How did the giraffe get its improbable neck? Genetic analysis finds some clues
Paw-ternity leave is available to employees at the country's largest bank, ANZ.
Hope the white rhino has had six major surgeries since her horns were cut off.
Hunt for good-quality dog food helped me find this Australian range, new to the market here.
Jane Jeffries discovers the places that say 'yes' to dogs.
Possums love leaves packed with protein, an insight that could aid New Zealand's pest-control efforts.
Store owners battle to keep 15-year-old deaf cat after complaint pet is unhygenic.
Thanks to kindhearted vet staff, this curious kitten has found his feet again.
Fire brigade blocked off street and called truck with crane and basket to save bird.
During a practice ahead of the Players Championship, PGA tour player Greg Owen stripped off and waded into a pond to save a baby bird from drowning, after he saw the bird fall in.
Police in the UK have gone to great lengths to protect the identity of some recent crime victims.
The husband of the Hamilton Zoo curator who was killed by a tiger last year is said to be unhappy at the support shown for his late wife's family by Hamilton City Council.
How to catch an emu in five easy steps. Step One: Wave an old woollen blanket like a matador’s cape. Step Two: Advance toward the emu, holding the blanket. Step Three: Try to corner it, and pray it doesn’t rip the legs off the poor lady in the summer dress and sandals, bravely waving her bare arms around. Step Four: Get a firefighter, preferably from Kaiwaka, wearing heavy protective clothing, to tackle the emu. Step Five: With your pants shredded from the emu’s claws, lie on top of it and proudly declare “only Kaiwaka could do this!”.
The University of Otago has announced plans for a new $50 million, five-storey animal research facility to be built at an undisclosed location.
A schoolboy was jumped on by a dog while at school yesterday and has received a large scratch on his shoulder.
An emu roamed the streets of a Northland town this afternoon until firefighters managed to catch the flightless bird.
It's the stuff of nightmares. A woman was set upon by a herd of javelinas - bizarre looking beasts also known as skunk pigs.
A headless black and white cat was found washed up in Eastbourne, Wellington yesterday.
Cats are well known for their abilities to self-groom, but this doesn't mean your feline friend won't need a hand from time to time.
The problem was becoming so bad the SPCA had created a waiting list as there wasn't enough space to take in the animals.
A bundle of cuteness bought commuters at a train station in Washington to a halt.