Judge tells drink-driver his excuses are 'bulls***'
Judge Greg Davis calls repeat drink-driver out on his excuses for endangering the public.
Judge Greg Davis calls repeat drink-driver out on his excuses for endangering the public.
Judge rules in favour of former editor left with substantial repair bill for leaky home.
Facebook traders paid money for TVs, cars or caravans, then seller's profile disappeared.
Eleven pleaded guilty to violence charges after criminal conspiracy charges were dropped.
The former private investigator claimed to be a gullible person.
Te Whitinga Mark Huirua brought shame and a loss of mana to his iwi after losing $3.1m.
Judge discharges jury in Napier indecency trial involving eight complainants.
The woman was found dead at her New Plymouth home and the man now remains in a facility.
When rescued from the parked car, the 3-year-old girl was drenched in sweat.
The maximum income thresholds for legal aid are being lifted, but some say not by enough.
Zac Guildford accused of drinking alcohol while on an intensive supervision sentence.
The High Court judge found the man was lucky not to have been given a longer jail term.
Mooring crew reduced from four to three before serious injury accident at Timaru port.
A judge reluctantly jailed a teen robber, fearing he will be more antisocial on release.
The horse trainer made and presented a fake vaccine pass to race officials.
The man was seen yelling and screaming at her as she lay on the ground.
The man would use his sister's bank account to avoid detection.
A man who attacked his flatmate moments before ending his life was psychotic at the time.
The woman complained about her co-workers's conduct for several weeks.
Jac Rhys Howells rammed another ute when two good Samaritans intervened in domestic row.
Former Mayor says illegal rubbish fire was not his doing
Instead of putting it back in the sea, he drove it 45 minutes to Palmerston North.
Christchurch Adventure Park appeals the $12m ruling - says employees did all they could.
Judge tells driver he was very lucky not to be facing more serious charges
The man faces six charges, all alleging offending on November 11.
The dealer initially refused to help the man who bought the car one month earlier.
The high-flying Aussie politico locked up for reclaiming Tauranga Harbour is back in court
Police officer Naomi McRae was killed by a 16-ton truck on her way to work.
While she lay motionless, he opened one of the cans, and threw it at her.
A man caught with over 11,000 child abuse images will be getting the help he needs.