Fall from grace: Rugby star bought guns to supply, faked burglary
A judge said it was 'almost unbelievable' to see Matua Parkinson's fall from grace.
A judge said it was 'almost unbelievable' to see Matua Parkinson's fall from grace.
Jason Lambert's lawyer argued: “It’s his right to be tried without undue delay.”
His 69-year-old victim says the attack's left him a 'shadow' of his former self.
It's the final day of the convicted double murderer's second appeal.
Police allege the cans link the defendant to a clan lab in the lower Kaimai Ranges.
Theodore Derrick-Hardie stabbed another teen to death for kissing his ex-girlfriend.
'I remember waking on the floor, yelling for help and being in real fear for my life.'
The 35-year-old was accused of assaulting the girl who turned up at school with injuries.
Watson's lawyer: Police concertedly and repeatedly used suggestive practices to secure ID.
Kohl Gibbons was wearing a headlamp and holding a .22 sawn-off rifle.
The 14-year-old's boss says it was normal for him to call staff “baby” and “honey”.
Judge: 'If you went to prison, I don’t know you would come out a better person.'
Emma Field was alive but likely unconscious when the blaze took hold of her bedroom.
The 'terraced' lab was covered in camouflage netting and dug into the side of steep bush.
Gordon Hieatt strangled his girlfriend to death during a fight about rent.
Watson was convicted of double murder in 1999 and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Indoor cannabis-growing operation described as a "very serious commercial enterprise".
Defence accused him of torching the place after breaking in and assaulting the woman.
The post-menopausal woman had been bleeding on and off for five years.
Witnesses helped identify the man last seen with Ben Smart and Oliva Hope.
Care staff feared the 30-year-old might act aggressively so they left her alone.
The father allegedly threatened to execute his sons after the Aramoana massacre.
Couple checked in carrying a guillotine, printer and multiple laptop bags.
He was convicted of killing Ben Smart and Olivia Hope on New Year's Eve in 1997.
Te Kahui Kani is removing his Mongrel Mob tattoos - but only has funding for 6 sessions.
Teenagers netted $140,000 of watches, rings and medallions in 45-second raid.
The 46-year-old added the teen on social media and said he wanted to be her 'sugar daddy'.
Herbert Armitage was a JP and a keen bowler - he was laundering money on the side.
Jacob Ramsay was beaten over money he owed and then chained to a car and dragged.
Three weeks later she punched a woman stocking Easter products at The Warehouse.