Pharmacist who heckled Ardern struck off after denouncing Govt's Covid response
The pharmacist heckled the former PM at a press conference, leading to it being shut down.
The pharmacist heckled the former PM at a press conference, leading to it being shut down.
He said he accidentally posted the video of the act to his Snapchat story feed.
It is the second time Philip Sheat has been caught overcharging a client.
Now, his victims have to wait four months to see him sentenced, outraging the prosecutor.
During the attack, Shae Dobbs went looking for petrol to 'burn' his victim.
Shelley Payne wrote a scathing open letter defending IHC/IDEA Services, slating Whaikaha.
Peter Te Maru has failed in his attempt to overturn his murder conviction.
He was supposed to be looking after her rental property, but ripped her off instead.
But despite carrying out the robbery, he won't have to serve any more jail time.
The men were charged with kidnapping and violent offences including firearms.
The now-20-year-old uses a wheelchair and will be dependent on support for life.
The man's company designed the building that collapsed in the Christchurch earthquakes.
A bottle of antifreeze was found in the stationery room with the seal broken.
Hori Gemmell made headlines for stealing a police car and the weapons inside in 2019.
Gideon Christian was already on an extended supervision order when he breached it twice.
The retired engineer's lawyer said the complaint was '"factually incorrect".
A man who suffered a 10cm face gash claims the alleged attacker shouted 'Killer Beez'.
The employee was locked out of the building, months after making a complaint.
The man shouted 'freedom' as he was taken back to the cells.
He was questioned loudly about his sex life in front of others, and referred to his GP.
Alan Reay said complaint against him over the CTV building collapse took a 'heavy toll'.
The 67yo man says he's been grappling with personal issues and is sorry for what he did.
The man was filmed thrashing around in the shower in distress as the drug took effect.
'Just do it, I love you,' the now-sentenced mother told her daughter.
Steven Newcombe suffered burns and hearing loss as a result of the blast.
The 16-month crime spree across Whāngarei left a trail of shattered lives.
Man sentenced over 17-minute beating of Michael ‘Mike the Juggler’ Wahrlich.
Dean Kahukiwa's body was found after a house fire in Foxton.
The man was charged with murder after a fatal attack in Stoke last month.
A child swallowed magnets from a toy the company sold.