'I lost my moral compass': Mexican cartel cocaine kingpin jailed
Tangaroa Demant went from exporting crayfish to importing cocaine.
Tangaroa Demant went from exporting crayfish to importing cocaine.
A judge described the man's choice to consume the drug for work as a "terrible idea".
Rapist and killer Liam Reid was Davina Murray’s client. They later got married.
The beatings would often be followed by a lecture by the man.
When woman bit him, he punched her in the head.
Liquor firm feels seaside community would have benefited from having the bottle store.
Her partner was high on drugs when he stabbed her 39 times.
She appeared over audio-visual link from the hospital with her hand in a bucket.
He groomed teens, giving them alcohol and cannabis before engaging in sex acts.
Days before Blithe was killed, he contacted mental health services. No beds were free.
One officer described colleagues kicking the teen while he was in the foetal position.
The architectural designer was stuck off the Licensed Building Practitioners' register.
Judge: 'I need to assess the risk you pose to people driving around with their children.'
Mark Griffiths was a senior Waikato Mongrel Mob leader at the time of his offending.
Graham Louis Rouse, 76, died in the February road accident.
Forestry sector’s Wairoa rates burden increased from $1.59m a year to $2.79m.
'The patient should have been referred immediately to an emergency facility,' HDC rules.
The 13-month-old was taken to hospital by his mum at 2am with a fever and vomiting.
'When she claimed she got hacked, she cried … she came here and she cried'.
'You have not suffered trauma like many who come before the criminal court'- Judge Rielly.
The business director bit her former partner's girlfriend's arm in a public cafe.
The website was shut down earlier this year.
Jacob Ramsay was beaten, chained to a car and towed along a tanker track.
The landlords did not respond to plumbing issues fast enough, the Tenancy Tribunal rules.
He was angry the bees were taking pollen from his flowers.
Jacob Ramsay was beaten, chained to a car and towed along a tanker track.
At that speed, he could cover the length of a rugby pitch in two seconds.
Health and safety rep reluctantly got a first vaccination but still lost his job.
He cannot be named, pending more information being sought in his bid for suppression.
Brian Reuben broke into five Thames businesses over severals weeks due to spiralling debt.