![Tenant leaves rental in awful condition - but takes carport, gate and garden shed](/pf/resources/images/placeholders/placeholder_l.png?d=870)
Tenant leaves rental in awful condition - but takes carport, gate and garden shed
Landlord wins $27,000 after tenant left rental in 'damaged and very untidy state'.
Landlord wins $27,000 after tenant left rental in 'damaged and very untidy state'.
Now police have now gained a High Court order to confiscate nearly $37,000.
The worker logged 437 hours in five weeks - all of which was unpaid.
Audrey Wilson had repeated falls, a fractured arm and sepsis. She died in hospital.
Dalton Taylor's city centre attack lasted more than seven minutes.
Warren Pay, jailed for murder, is now free after being re-sentenced for manslaughter.
The couple didn't even get to drive their hybrid Nissan Skyline as a fault was discovered.
Tamara Mati's lawyer argued she covered the most explicit parts with pumpkin emojis.
Siale taunted and kicked his unconscious victim, who later died.
Jake William Duncan died on a Hawke's Bay forestry site in 2021.
Derive McNeill has since thanked the man for working in the mental health sector.
Proposed law changes would give victims more power - and more protection.
Dave Rodger's injuries were so severe, police prepared for a homicide investigation.
The woman was in the backseat of a car when she grabbed her aunty's hair and attacked her.
One victim says finding her images on 'disgusting' websites will haunt her forever.
Shane Watson stabbed a man in the neck and shoulder during a brawl this year.
Jinwoo Park was a strong swimmer and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Craig Foliola's teen passenger spent a month in hospital but he's avoided a conviction.
The amount the Disputes Tribunal can award a claimant is currently capped at $30,000.
The victim supported her former partner's discharge without conviction.
Jahche Broughton beat tourist Karen Aim to death with a baseball bat when he was just 14.
Coronial inquest: The deaths are among 18 linked to the Auckland floods and Gabrielle.
The first-time mum began spotting a few days later and her baby was stillborn.
The woman needed a skin graft for injury caused during fat blast treatment.
Jordan Adams had been drinking with workmates when he jumped into a fast-flowing river.
Builder Craig Johnston died after being electrocuted in 2020.
Her toddler was asleep next to her in a cot and the man had exposed himself.
The woman was trying to hide her true financial position during Family Court proceedings.
Summer Mills-Metcalf took her own life in 2018 while taking fluoxetine.
He then hid the shank inside a milk carton in a rubbish bin.