Companies appeal $270k fine for incident that left worker with brain injury
The Taranaki-based agricultural business wants the fine reduced by $40,000.
The Taranaki-based agricultural business wants the fine reduced by $40,000.
The IPCA said police negotiation efforts left them 'looking incompetent'.
The Independent Police Conduct Authority found police were justified in their response.
He has now been jailed for the incident, which sent the mall into lockdown.
Sexual assault laws need reform says expert after man uses reluctant consent defence.
The man became irritated because his baby was being 'too loud'.
Convicted fraudster Barrie Skinner was the victim of a recent assault.
The worker's injury continues to impact his everyday life.
Michael Young would play pornography to them and instruct them to use sex toys.
The group claims Justice Francis Cooke's decision breached Bill of Rights.
The messages targeted a court official who feared for the safety of his family.
The woman shared the whereabouts of the victim before he was stabbed 13 times.
The accused's lawyer says he should have at least been given an X-ray.
Allen Ball died in a cell in 2019. What followed were a number of investigative processes.
The complainant said the billboard could be used to market alcohol to children.
Financial difficulties led a man back to crime after years of going straight.
The man wriggled out of his trousers to escape the police dog and stole a police car.
Doctors observed bruising and a "significant hematoma" on her forehead.
Philip Arps was jailed over abusive messages sent to his probation officers.
Victim's family planned funeral as medical staff looked to end life support; he recovered.
The teacher continues to deny she had sex with a Year 12 student.
Young man's frustration with Winz app leads to wilful damage conviction.
Staff reported 11 incidents of mistreatment of children in an organisational review.
“I tried to roll off but I couldn’t because he was holding me.”
Lawyer threatened to make complaint to Immigration NZ to force client's ex into settling.
Rapist told victim - “that’s what love is, that’s what you get for being my girlfriend".
GP's treatment enabled doctor's drug misuse and dependence, the Medical Council said.
'It's all right my darling, I'll clean you', assailant tells victim.
Gang member's disregard for home detention means it is unsuitable to hold him to account.
Civil action seeking High Court declaration some terms for booking properties were unfair.