Man on a mission for cheesecake gets caught drink driving again
His second trip ended when he crashed his car into a bank and was flown to hospital.
His second trip ended when he crashed his car into a bank and was flown to hospital.
The man claimed he was burning his court paperwork which led to a fire.
The woman had a 'sound' reason to refuse the jab, the authority said.
Eleven men are on trial in the High Court at Hamilton facing a variety of charges.
The jury began its deliberations about 11.15am today.
A mix of shock, upset and alcohol was behind her impulsive decision to drive home.
Defence says it was a fast-moving scene and Crown must prove assault was intentional.
It was only when police arrived at her property they discovered she needed urgent care.
Couple found guilty of 35 charges related to wetlands given leave to bring a new appeal.
Driver disqualified after almost killing victim back behind wheel without consequences,
'Central government are taking the assets, but not providing fair compensation.'
The outdoor hearings ran 'without a hitch', the Chief District Court Judge said.
What the High Court said about a district council's challenge to Three Waters legislation.
After six years a couple will have to pay the legal costs of a builder they sued.
Three women have protection orders out against the 22-year-old.
The squatter 'pestered friend' for the gun in order to shoot goats, he said.
Farmer fined for ill treatment of cows on Kaipara cattle farm
Toni Moki says she smoked class A drug as a "one-off" thing after her partner proposed.
Jury trials were called off and could be affected into next month.
Woman had 'heart attack'-like symptoms after getting a double dose of blood medication.
HDC: Toxicity buildup went undiagnosed and contributed to his eventual heart failure.
Davina Reid was struck off for smuggling contraband into prison.
Ani O'Brien says she was subect to aggressive behaviour from Plunket.
The road worker's lawyer says he was getting threats.
She sunk out of sight. It was two days before her body was found on the seabed.
Living in their cars, the fraud was committed to support the man's family, it was heard.
Officer 'undeployable and unpromotable' as court-martial process delayed for years.
One of five men who stormed the Huntly Bottle-O in 2019 has been jailed for three years.
Worker claims boss said he was brainwashed and read too much bulls*** on the internet.
A defendant and a health service sought declarations on the provision of the reports.