Latest fromRelationships & Sex

Why do some people have multiple partners?
Quietly, people have always practised all sorts of ethical non-monogamous relationships

'Two maximum!': Prince Harry's views on kids - and racism
Writing in the Duchess of Sussex's Vogue, Harry pens candid piece about racism.

Lee Suckling: What sexual dreams really mean
The Sex Files: The sexual subconscious knows no limits. Lee Suckling explains.

Couple without designated sides of the bed spark frenzy
A Washington Post reporter revealed the couple's habit. The internet went into a frenzy.

Woman's engagement ring compared to 'festering boils'
"Take off that God awful infection before it spreads!" urged one commenter.

The story of the rich New York socialite who hid in a hotel room for 24 years
Ida Wood was a wealthy socialite who lived in a luxury hotel.

Couple slammed over 'trashy' wedding invitation
A non-traditional invitation with an unusual choice of words has not gone down well.

Prince Charles to visit NZ: His remarkable travel demands revealed
The future king is known for making unusual demands when travelling.

'Racist' security guards ruin man's magical proposal
Security intruded on the couple's happy moment three times to accuse them of stealing.

NZ's first Playboy star gets engaged
Originally from Invercargill, New Zealand's first Playmate is off the market.

Why Meghan Markle is laughing all the way to the bank
She's suffered constant criticism but new figures show she's got something to smile about.

Man sells house to buy 'horrible' engagement ring
"I think your finger's having an allergic reaction to all that ugly," a ring-shamer wrote.

Five vital elements for a perfect one-night stand
Casual sex should be two things: fun and safe. Lee Suckling explains.

The creepy item the Queen never travels without
No stranger to travelling abroad, Her Majesty never flies without this item.

What I learned from sleeping with younger men
I was every young guy's fantasy – attractive, high-flying and not interested in marriage.

President Trump crashes wedding, kisses bride
"We love you so much! We love you so much!" chanted the newlyweds.

Is this the worst wedding night ever?
Bride reveals groom's major fail following their wedding.

'How I became a dominatrix'
She was just 21 years old when she went for the job interview that would change her life.

'Evil, Ice Queen': The shock twist in teenage texting death scandal
Michelle Carter been described as an "ice queen", but there is another side to the story.

Revealed: Meghan struggling under royal spotlight
Claims the intensity of royal life has left Meghan living "an isolated existence".

How a plus-size model found a devoted follower, and the man of her dreams
New York Times: Snapchat message lead to a real life love story.

Aussie bride slammed over 'unreasonable' request
How much is too much to fork out for a friend's wedding?

A king, a young beauty queen and an unhappily ever after
Marred by reality TV sex claims, this whirlwind romance has come to a sudden halt.

Diana's biographer: Meghan's 'gone nuclear' too soon
The journalist Diana turned to for her tell all sees a striking familiarity in Meghan.

Meghan and Harry feature in Time magazine hot list
The royal couple feature alongside Ariana Grande and actress Jada Pinkett Smith.

Amazon's sexist trampoline ad
"Not advised for a woman to install alone, assistance from men is preferred," read the ad.

Why wedding guests need to stop doing this
A photographer has laid into selfish guests who "ruin" the big day with their behaviour.

'They don't make it easy': Meghan reveals royal struggle
Duchess hints she's having a difficult time as she meets Pharrell at Lion King premiere.

Grimace, frown, scowl: Why Kiwis can't stand emojis :(
But many of us like to use them to "clarify tone".