Is this the answer to finding your lost libido?
Opinion is divided over the ability of testosterone treatments to help women.
Opinion is divided over the ability of testosterone treatments to help women.
Paris Jackson has stepped in to clarify salacious rumours of a complicated love triangle.
The dating game isn't easy when you work for the president.
Furious mother was told weeks before her cousin's wedding to find a babysitter.
An awkward interview with a sports fan had viewers in stitches.
Bride reveals how her ex trolled her when he sent back his RSVP to her wedding.
Psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald on how to overcome the difficulties of modern love.
A heartbroken husband in the UK has put his wedding ring up for sale.
The lavish wedding was held at a golf club near Moscow owned by a friend of Donald Trump.
I'm admitting my own penis size because, guys. it's okay to talk about your junk.
It's never been easier to be unfaithful. Should you be wary of cheating midlife husbands?
You may think you're attune to scammers but have you ever been conned like this?
After months of violent fights with then-boyfriend, he set her alight, left her for dead.
Do men have any idea what women are doing to protect themselves on a daily basis?
The Queen's cousin Lord Ivar Mountbatten will be given away by his loving ex-wife.
Harriet Butler carried on the party and honeymoon without him.
You probably don't want to talk about it but this could be a relationship deal-breaker.
The retailer came under fire for a Father's Day card deemed racist and offensive.
One Kiwi woman's mission to keep New Zealand men safe in the bedroom takes bizarre twist.
If you don't follow Corby on Instagram you really are missing out.
How the legal team appealing Kate's topless photos verdict will use footage of Meghan.
It can be so easy - no matter how many parenting books you've read - to make this mistake.
Science tries to explain how to mend a broken heart. Hint: it's not easy.
Pregnancy Help warns of spillage or bursting with wrong-sized condom use.
When marriage counselling goes wrong: "My husband cheated on me with the therapist."
He spends his nights on Manila's streets for young sex workers. But he wants to save them.
Whatever your gender, how do you ask someone to leave without seeming like, well, a dick?
The US most famous sex therapist Dr Ruth says social media is making millennials lonely.
NZ's Bachelor series may have some colourful characters. They've got nothing on this lot.