Man takes photos of cheating girlfriend
A Texas man found his girlfriend cheating on him and paused to take a selfie.
A Texas man found his girlfriend cheating on him and paused to take a selfie.
Inside the twisted and highly sexualised female-only Facebook group Bad Girls Advice.
Cristina and Benno adopted Sierra into their relationship to make it a 'three-lationship'.
Kiwi bodyworker explains how this yoga is key to unleashing erotic energy without touch.
People in love with their siblings' partners share their secrets.
An alarming new study explores a form of mistreatment by sexual partners.
Why the world's most desirable women are pairing up with tech boffins.
"I had my suspicions, but were they justified - or plain paranoia?"
The woman outed her cheating boyfriend after her romantic restaurant meal was ruined.
Studies show that women who watch porn are more likely to have feminist views.
Researchers noted how making love cowgirl style had the most potential for harm.
The selfie-taking driver was threatened with a "wedding present" of six penalty points.
A Sydney man wanted to do something spectacular, so he spent a lot of money do it.
Woman cried during encounter and her new wife's hands shook as she signed marriage forms.
Researchers have found sex has many health benefits, from better recall to living longer.
A mother opened up about her loss of libido post childbirth on the internet.
Crackdown on forced marriages: "It's hell on Earth for some of them."
When someone breaks up with you and asks to be friends, run. It's just not gonna work.
A violinist reveals split from her cellist boyfriend as he awkwardly sat next to her.
If you're struggling in the bedroom, here are a few reasons why that could be.
COMMENT: It takes two to tango - so it's time men took equal contraceptive responsibility.
This giant beast clearly doesn't mind being the third wheel.
OPINION: A teacher recently witnessed a student being teased about something very private.
COMMENT: Pornography's proven harm should be treated as a public health problem.
Breakups are hard enough but it may just be worst via snail mail.
Constance Hall's split from her husband has quickly turned into a bitter feud.
Are you in a bad relationship? Here are 10 reasons why it could be hurting your health.
Man gets courage to pop the question after near-death from electrocution.
A 21-year-old is saving $1000 per week by dating older men.