Latest fromRelationships & Sex

Perth: Pop-up nuptials
Wedding planning already a headache? Cloe Willetts suggests letting someone else take the strain.

People reveal their creepiest first dates
People have taken to Whisper to reveal their creepiest experiences.

Fluke fortune: $6.5k into $3 million
Building her fortune, Robyn Exton had to fend off lecherous men and even skirt the law. But it was a modest lotto win that really got her started.

Life with a husband suffering 'Elephant Man' syndrome
A woman married to a sufferer of the fatal "Elephant Man" condition that means his bones and organs won't stop growing says the disease doesn't scare her.

It's true, you can die of a broken heart
A raft of research is finding that being 'broken-hearted' is more than a turn of phrase.

The joy and despair of missing your partner
COMMENT: Megan Nicol Reed discusses the dichotomy of missing and relishing being separated from a partner.

How the gym affects men's libido
There is a clear 'tipping point' at which exercise starts to ruin your sex life.

Man, 28, falls in love with 82yo caller
An Indonesian man fell in love with an elderly lady who dialed the wrong number.

The intriguing truth about infidelity
Revealed: Only men have the adultery gene, career women fuel divorce and men stray most aged 55 to 65.

10 subtle ways men display attraction
Forget being a 'sexpert' - the minute anyone finds out Tracey Cox, a relationship expert, also specialises in body language, sex questions get shoved aside.

Married 82 years and still going strong
In a world where divorce is common, one Auckland couple is being praised for their efforts to stay together.

The art of non-competitive friendship
COMMENT: Admittedly it took me years of tears, whole soap operas worth of dramas, to realise you don't own your friends.

Swinging couple's 'great time' on Tinder
This husband and wife claim they have a "great time" on Tinder and swinging has made them stronger.

Polygamist's wife 'may get solo benefit'
A second wife in a polygamous may be regarded as a solo parent and entitled to a solo-parent benefit.

What to do if you catch your teen sexting
Kiwi soap Shortland Street last week confronted an issue that likely resonated with many Kiwi parents: What to do if you catch your

Why sexting is healthy for teens
It's much-maligned, but Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen argues that sexting is a healthy - and normal - part of teenage sexuality.

How to diet as a couple without ruining your relationship
What happens when a couple tries to lose weight together? It can be the recipe for success ... or a total disaster.

People reveal the real reason they're single
Dozens of people have confessed the real reasons they're single - including having STDs and being a selfish lover.

Do men or women spend more on Valentine's Day?
A new survey on gender spending habits for Valentine's Day reveals which sex forks out more to make a gesture of love.

Valentine's Day love in the vineyard
The first grapes harvested for the 2017 vintage has happened today - on Valentines Day in Gisborne - with a bit of a romantic twinge.

The surprising gift Kiwis really want for Valentine's Day
A survey of Kiwis has revealed what we want most for Valentine's Day - and the answer may surprise you.

What to do for Valentine's Day
Forgotten to organise a special Valentine's surprise for your significant other? Don't fret, Wellington matchmaker Rosie Bowie has some ideas that will wow your sweetheart.

Valentine's: What's it got to do with love?
Valentine's Day - what's Cupid got to do with it all and who exactly was St Valentine?

Why I went on 15 dates in a month
Jen Glantz hated dating. Until she changed her tactics. Here's what she learned from going on 15 dates in one month.

Woman with amnesia falls in love with boyfriend twice
When Jessica Sharman lost her memory she didn't remember the first time she fell in love with her boyfriend. Hopefully she can't forget the second time.

Woman and rapist meet to tell story
A rape survivor and her attacker have reunited to tell their story.

Why unhappy wives stay in marriages
That moment you say your "I dos" divorce is likely the last thing on your mind - however, for these women, there is nothing more appealing.

Good things improve with age, especially sex
French psychologist Marie de Hennezel tells Sharon Stephenson good things improve with age - and that includes sex.

Five myths for a happier marriage
There seems an endless list of "rules" to a happy marriage. Here are five myths you can shelve if you truly want a long and happy marriage.