Home-cooked meal recipe for romance - study
New results from a nationwide survey show Kiwi women would most prefer cooking an indulgent meal for two during the chilly winter months.
New results from a nationwide survey show Kiwi women would most prefer cooking an indulgent meal for two during the chilly winter months.
It seems absurd for people to be allergic to semen - the basis of human reproduction. But an expert says he's found that up to 12 per cent of women may have the condition.
When and how, in the minefield of marital communication, can you have these conversations without them ending in a terrific, door-slamming row?
They run their Upper East Side homes like domestic CEOs, work tirelessly to improve their family's social standing and now want an annual perk from their husbands.
A new study suggests that the love hormone, oxytocin, has similar effects to being drunk, and not just the more pleasant aspects of inebriation.
Jane Hawking tells Celia Walden how she remains good friends with her physicist ex-husband.
Sweet son Alex Lyngaas has secretly filmed his mother, Eva, for a year and crafted a video to help her find a boyfriend.
If the mythical creature that is the "good wife" is devoted and selfless and bakes Victoria sponge cakes to die for then who, honestly, does not occasionally fall short?
Deported Kiwi groom-to-be Gareth Macrae has described being turned away from his planned wedding in the UK as "deflating" and "a kick in the guts".
A bride-to-be has been forced to cancel her wedding plans after immigration officers deported her New Zealand partner of six years in front of her.
If teenagers are getting their life lessons from porn, then we're not merely contemplating the end of innocence, we're contemplating the end of romance.
When Arthur Hoffman passed away in his sleep, his beloved wife of 69 years couldn't bear it. Two days later, Paddy Hoffman also slipped away.
A bride has been left devastated after falling out with her wedding photographer, claiming he branded her "ugly" and a "bridezilla".
Amid our rapidly changing attitudes about sex, a seeming contradiction has emerged: Millennials tend to be cool with casual relations.
It's always seemed to me that being in a relationship is, in large part, about bearing witness. You take a front-row seat to your partner's daily trials and triumphs and they do the same for you.
A London woman has created 'thin' and 'fat' online dating profiles using size 10 and size 18 photos to find out if men really prefer skinny girls.
Man shamed outside train station for cheating on his girlfriend, with women taking turns to pelt him with eggs.
Educated and ambitious single Kiwi women struggle to find their male equals, write Russell Blackstock and Kathryn van Beek.
William met Kate Middleton at university. When the couple got engaged in October 2010 the announcement was first made on Twitter the following month.
On a first date recently the guy kept going to the bathroom, as he said he suffers from “chronic diarrhoea” when nervous. When he left again, I ran out, was that wrong?
A pole dancing couple will become rivals this weekend in a battle of grace versus strength.
A British couple with a combined age of 195 will become the world's oldest newlyweds later this year.
Most people don't renew their wedding vows within the first year of marriage - but most people don't suffer a life-threatening medical emergency at the altar.
I joined an “elite” dating agency, in the hope of meeting someone, but all the men want is sex, not interested in anything else.
A lesbian couple in North Carolina who documented how they created their new have become an unexpected internet sensation almost overnight.
In a new book, American cultural critic Kate Bolick argues that spinsterhood is an enviable state. Laura Freeman reports.
I am happy. I am one of the happiest people you will ever meet, writes Mike Hosking. Being upbeat and happy and positive has served me well, and the more it's served me well, the more upbeat I have become.
Does the stock market flotation of a website promoting affairs show a sexual revolution is gathering speed, asks Helen Croydon.
My hairdresser let slip about seeing a “wonderful man”, who just happens to be married to my sister, but she did not know this. What should I do?