Couples reveal sex partners
Do you really want or need to know how many people the love of your life has had sex with?
Do you really want or need to know how many people the love of your life has had sex with?
Do arranged marriages work? Three Kiwi couples share how their relationships blossomed into lasting love.
Everyone's favorite hook-up app has landed itself in a hot new drama - this one relating to how Tinder treats online daters of different ages.
If you've ever dated online, you've surely noticed how many people are on the lookout for drama. "Not into playing games or drama," is a classic cliche, a boogeymen of dating.
Heartbreak for mums and dads - and for younger fans - as two Wiggles are outed as dating. Can we expect a "just married" sign on the Big Red Car?
Durex is calling for Kiwi sex-testers - but is coy about exactly what they'll be signing up for.
Sarah Milne and William Chalmers, who met after sharing a fleeting smile as strangers in a Picton park, have decided to part ways.
Fashion designer Denise L’Estrange-Corbet and her daughter Pebbles answer your agonising questions.
Often described as "crazy makers", the passive aggressive personality can leave us feeling feeling frustrated, deflated and utterly confused.
Tinder Plus, the dating app's premium service, is launching today and will charge its older members far more than its younger ones.
Love hurts: injuries sustained during sex have hit a six year high, ACC figures reveal.
Not being heard can be one of life's most grievous experiences. Just how grievous it feels of course depends on different personalities and situations.
A simple questionnaire, which claims it can make two strangers fall in love, has taken the world by storm, writes Claire Cohen. Here’s your chance to give it a try.
Sexually transmitted infections should be reclassified to enable better tracking and treatment as social media influences sexual behaviour and more drug-resistant strains emerge, a health authority....
Is changing your name after marriage a bit antiquated? I definitely used to think so, writes Lee Suckling.
For the past 15 years, Glen Tily has got on bended knee and proposed marriage to the love of his life, Cathryn Herd.
My husband and his best friend had a punch-up and are not speaking, but his friend’s wife and I are really good friends. Now my husband does not want me to talk to her.
Twenty years ago, a few desperate singletons signed up for a new dating experience. Today, a staggering one in five relationships and one in six marriages begins on the internet.
People talk about dating, mating and relating, all while never using those terms. Here's lingo to decode today's dating practices.
More than three-quarters of the people who had deceived a partner about money said it damaged the relationship.
Life and Style columnist Lee Suckling tackles your modern etiquette and ethical predicaments, one reader-submitted query at a time.
They've survived two health crises - including breast cancer - and now Anne and Al Gourley are battling the pain barrier on Our First Home.
Fashion designer Denise L’Estrange-Corbet and her daughter Pebbles answer your agonising questions.
Adults do like to tell you how fun dating in your 20s is. But for me, dating in my 20s has been about as much fun as colonic irrigation, writes Verity Johnson.
Do you go au natural around your partner, chat to them while naked and do their laundry? You've officially hit the comfort zone.
Red roses remain the most popular traditional Valentine's Day gift, say florists stocking up for weekend sales as suitors scramble to express their enduring love.
It's called rape culture, silly, writes Rachel Wong. You know, when it's considered cultured to rape and degrade women and then blame it all on them?
The author Simon Garfield poses exactly this question in To the Letter: A Journey Though a Vanishing World and supplies some excellent answers.
"The blood-soaked conspiracy of Valentine's Day, driven by the oppressive chocolate capitalists, has arrived once again," declared the group.