What's New Zealand's favourite pick-up line?
An online dating site has revealed the country's favourite lines to break the ice.
An online dating site has revealed the country's favourite lines to break the ice.
When it comes to romance, an "I luv u" text just won't cut it with women.
A ready reckoner of hotspots where you can hook up with the hotties of the world. Or someone lust-worthy at the very least.
'Did we turn the oven off?' trumps 'I love you' when it comes to meaningful communication.
Going kayaking with colleagues at the company’s expense might sound like fun to some – but the majority of workers think team-building exercises are just a waste of time.
The happiest day of Sandra Schollum's life became her saddest after a terrible string of coincidences.
Shelley looks at marriage and asks why only the serial brides get to number their husbands as if they were books in the Famous Five series or dishes at a Thai restaurant.
Artist, writer and sexual adventurer Molly Parkin turns 80 this week and she's celibate now. Well, apart from the occasional surfer.
A young hockey star is "cut up" after Jaime Ridge dumped him for Sonny Bill Williams.
Drew Barrymore is concerned that she does not "have it together" regarding her wedding plans.
Brad Pitt has confirmed that he would "actually like to" marry Angelina Jolie.
The founder of infidelity website Ashley Madison says cheating on a partner is just a matter of biology.
Kiwis who have an extra-marital affair are most likely to be smoking Christians from Christchurch with tattoos that vote for the National party, according to new figures.
Dogs have been a loyal companion to mankind for more than 30,000 years, it has been revealed.
Sex life a bit lacking? Take heart: the answer lies not in scary-sounding toys or tantric techniques, but a nice cup of tea.
Parenting book authors offers tips for the first days back at school and a successful year; from what's the best attitude to take, words on advice if your child doesn't like school, and scheduling conflicts.