Latest fromRelationships & Sex

Chelsea's big day will ruin mine, says bride
Emn Haddad-Friedman is celebrating her nuptials on the same day as Chelsea Clinton, in the same village. And she's not happy about it.

Christina Applegate pregnant with first child
Actress Christina Applegate is expected her first child with fiance Martyn Lenoble.

Bird of true love fading from British skies
It is the emblematic bird of sexual fidelity - and just like sexual fidelity itself, it is rapidly on the wane.

Mum's the word on the wedding - even from mum
"I cannot disclose," says the caterer. "We're not really speaking," says the restaurant manager. "I can't say anything myself," says the bartender.

Empathy and breeders and politicians
Dita De Boni wonders whether parents, as a tribe, have more empathy in general than the childless.

NZ parental leave 'middling'
NZ is still only a middling performer when it comes to parental leave provisions, according to a study.

NZ's most common family? Couples without children
Couples without children are expected to overtake two-parent families as the most common household formation by next year, according to Statistics NZ.

Mike and Kate: We're engaged
Media stars Kate Hawkesby and Mike Hosking say they are planning a wedding that is all about the kids.

Gays defy traditionalists with Warsaw march
To anyone who pictures Warsaw as a cold, grey, conservative city, yesterday offered an antidote.

Charlotte's online search for love
Television's Charlotte Dawson has been looking for love online, using a fake name.

<i>John Roughan:</i> Lousy lovers let the side down
Let's see if I can persuade Andy Haden, Murray Deaker, Garth George and Michael Laws why it is fairly reprehensible to have sex with a comatose woman.

Baby number three for Pippa Wetzell
Breakfast co-host, Pippa Wetzell has announced this morning that she is expecting her third child in February 2011

Cult Twitter feed spawns book, possible TV series
The man behind the Twitter feed 'Shit My Dad Says' is in talks with CBS about turning the 2.0 phenomenon into a TV pilot.

A wedding with toddlers
Kids are lovely and all, but crikey they make weddings hard work, writes Scott Kara.

Family key to most women's happiness
New Zealand women find happiness in their families more than anything else, while men find happiness in their freedom.

Teething tales
Dita De Boni wonders why an Australasian parenting guru is so convinced teething doesn't cause infants pain.

Police confirm Mel Gibson abuse probe
Mel Gibson faces potential jail time if Los Angeles sheriffs find evidence supporting his former girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva's claims the Australian-raised Oscar winner assaulted her.

'Brad Pitt completes me' - Angelina Jolie
In a telling one-on-one interview with Parade magazine, normally media-shy Angelina Jolie dishes on what life is like for her and her brood, and gushes about how "strong and happy" the love she's found with Brad Pitt is.

Survey shows support for public breastfeeding
More than half of Kiwis are okay with mothers breastfeeding in public, but a minority still prefer babies be fed in the restroom.

DVD helps new dads learn from parents' errors
There's no simple job description for fatherhood, but Mangere first-time dad Daniel Brown knows the kind of dad he doesn't want to be.

Jordan 'upset' at wedding blessing fracas
Like everything in Katie Price's life, her wedding blessing was full of drama and photographers on Saturday. She married cage-fighter Alex Reid in Las Vegas in February but the couple wanted a lavish ceremony at home for friends and family.

Breaking up turns out to be contagious
Researchers say that a split up between immediate friends increases your own chances of getting divorced by 75 per cent.

Nelsen and wife await daughter
All Whites skipper Ryan Nelsen is just days away from his biggest high of the year - and it has nothing to do with football.