The EV summer road trip is an exercise in joy and techno-tantrums
A cranky driver's quest to see if the EV can ever make for a great Kiwi road trip.
A cranky driver's quest to see if the EV can ever make for a great Kiwi road trip.
Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Whakaue won Te Matatini 2025 with a standout performance.
It took 36 years to meet his parents – and is taking almost as long to get answers.
Nigel Ogle has transformed an old cheese factory into Tawhiti Museum in Hāwera.
Saturday's finals will begin at 8.30am, with prizegiving after 5pm.
Thirty First Nations people from Canada joined the festival in New Plymouth.
Te Taumata o Apanui featured stars like Rob Ruha and Ria Hall.
The Government is providing $30,000 to rural support groups in Taranaki.
Air NZ praised crew and passengers for their quick and caring response.
The winning numbers have been drawn.
All tickets for the 2025 Te Matatini finals day are sold out.
Farmers around the North Island are being warned to prepare for drought conditions.
Haka is not a corporate exercise or a party trick; it is whakapapa, identity, and history.
Ōpotiki Mai Tawhiti's performance honoured past members, including Ricky Mitai.
Two Countdown stores refused Grant Pratt so he took them to the Human Rights Commission.
Finance Minister Nicola Willis received a rock star welcome at Te Matatini's opening day.
Robyn Martin-Kemp will discuss the case at Waitangi, highlighting rates protections.
Te Matatini 2025 kicks off at New Plymouth’s Bowl of Brooklands.
The teams are ready to give their all on the world's biggest kapa haka stage.
The person was critically injured and died at the scene in Purangi.
Four groups with about 160 Kahungunu performers will strive for impact at Te Matatini.
Parihaka matriarch Maata Wharehoka has died at age 74.
Kiri Erb's staff will increase from 36 to 50 for the kapa haka nationals.
Wil Yeoman won the ‘No Way in Hell’ race against 160 competitors.
Nationwide, NZ is short about 600 GPs, highlighting the funding crisis.
Whangārei's mayor says fuel companies "have a chokehold in Northland".
Tony Looker was eventually stopped by police who found $113,000 in cash and 44g of meth.
The judge allowed 60% in discounts for his youth, pleas, and remorse.
The choir performed for Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, in Wellington.
Gisborne-East Coast athletes were well represented in the Coast to Coast adventure race.