‘Thuds’ from man's punches as he attacked ex-partner heard by golfer 50m away
A man was playing golf when he heard screaming; he looked up and saw a woman being beaten.
A man was playing golf when he heard screaming; he looked up and saw a woman being beaten.
Seven week-strike planned after union says Oranga Tamariki offered members 0% pay rise.
A person trapped in the plane was rescued using special equipment.
'Something special happened when Ngāti Ranginui came on stage.'
Tauranga City Council says it is not obliged to provide facilities for working boats.
One person is trapped in a light aircraft following a crash at Tauranga Airport.
The landlord could not claim insurance for the 12 worst holes.
Growth investment plans will enable bigger ships to visit and boost the cruise industry.
The landlord says it took four people four days to clear the rubbish from the property.
Mayor Mahe Drysdale says the council's budget is a 'ceiling ... not a target'.
A BoP woman stumbled upon two giant mushrooms while on her daily walk.
One of the main roads into Tauranga will be closed for five nights next week.
Western Bay of Plenty hopes to secure one of the Government's sought-after regional deals.
OPINION: Trump may prove more measured and adaptable than some believe.
A translation app including six languages has been set up for Te Matatini 2025.
The teams are ready to give their all on the world's biggest kapa haka stage.
Aaliyah Hunt has been dancing since she was 3 and aspires to dance on cruise ships.
Worthwhile places to stop on a roadie through the Coromandel and Bay of Plenty.
More than 6500 tickets were issued for breaching the 50m rule last year.
'When I first saw myself, I was in shock … why did this happen to me?'
Our readers have their say.
Three men were sentenced in Rotorua on Friday to home detention.
Mathew Karetu was dealing drugs as the national president of the Barbarians chapter.
After a decade in business, a plumbing business has been recognised for its success.
The young woman became resentful over having to care for the 2-year-old.
The damage has been so severe that the resident received a $28K insurance payout.
Ngāi Te Rangi's programme targets those struggling with costs and access.
People are also still waiting for news on the fate of the Timeless Summer Tour.
The downhill competition will run for the final time over the famed Taniwha Trail.