Latest fromWairarapa

Helmet helps climber survive 140m fall
Wearing a helmet may have saved the life of a climber who fell 140m on a rocky peak near Mt Awful, in the Mt Aspiring National Park, yesterday.

Rescue on Mount Awful
A climber suffered head injuries when he fell about 100m and had to helicoptered to safety from Mt Awful in Mt Aspiring National Park this morning.

New breed of NZ pinot noir
Viva wine editor Jo Burzynska traverses plains, valleys and rivers on a pinot noir safari in Marlborough.

Fourteen jobs cut at Wairarapa DHB
Fourteen jobs have been cut at Wairarapa DHB to create one management team across the Wairarapa and Hutt Valley DHBs.

Discarded butt blamed for blaze
A discarded cigarette butt has been blamed for a blaze that wreaked $250,000 worth of damage to a shed, vehicles and equipment at a Masterton garden supply firm.

Man convicted for taking knife to McD's
A drunk man who walked behind the counter at a McDonald's Restaurant in Masterton last week clutching a black-handled kitchen knife was convicted of possession of a knife in a public place at Masterton District Court yesterday.

No name suppression for man accused of bashing volunteer
A judge has prevented publication of whether the man accused of bashing volunteer firefighter Peter Fisher has been released on bail.

Fisherman falls into rough sea at Castle Point
A man who fell several metres into the rough sea while fishing from rocks in Wairarapa today was rescued by a local fishing boat.

Spotlight on beer festivals
As summer fades into autumn and the season of mist and mellow fruitfulness, it's time for hay to be saved, harvests to be gathered and, best of all, have festivals to attend.

Wairarapa airshow numbers soar
Up to 30,000 spectators shattered crowd records at the biennial Wings Over Wairarapa airshow in Masterton at the weekend, say organisers.

NZ firefighters on high alert
Firefighters in Hawkes Bay and Wairarapa are on high alert as the regions brace for forecast strong winds and hot temperatures.