Latest fromWairarapa

Motorsport: West grabs early lead in Wairarapa rally
Timaru's Chris West and co-driver Erin Kyle hold a 30-second lead after eight special stages in Rally Wairarapa today.

Many attend rainy Anzac Day services
Tens of thousands of New Zealanders turned out at dawn services across the country.

Two injured as police car smashes into power pole
Two police officers are in Masterton Hospital with minor injuries after their vehicle crashed into a power pole this afternoon.

Raybon Kan the lazy boy
Raybon Kan returns to the stage for a show about laziness - and why it has been a leading force in human affairs, writes Barney McDonald.

Masterton 'dream car' torched
An apprentice mechanic whose dream car was torched in Masterton on Saturday has been swamped with offers of parts from all around the country.

Cyclone headed for Raoul Island
Tropical cyclone Bune, which is heading for Raoul Island, about 1100km northeast of New Zealand, weakened slightly this afternoon to a strong category 2. It may cause dangerous rips and surf along the east coast next week.

Wairarapa wine pips $7000 French drop in blind tasting
A $200 bottle of Martinborough pinot noir was crowned the finest at a tasting in California, ahead of renowned wines from around the world.