Ancient ice rivers march onward
Jim Eagles discovers quaint towns and glacier movements on the West Coast.
Jim Eagles discovers quaint towns and glacier movements on the West Coast.
There will be no open cast mining on Great Barrier Island or Coromandel, John Key assured Parliament today, while under attack over the Govt's mining plan.
Severe gales powerful enough to damage trees and power lines are set to lash the east coast of the South Island and the parts of the North Island.
The romance of steam trains and gold prospecting make Shantytown a rare delight, says Jim Eagles.
A journey through Arthur's Pass reveals a wealth of history.
Civil Defence authorities have downgraded the tsunami warning for New Zealand. However, New Zealand authorities are warning that there could be surges for up to 24 hours.
New Zealand east coastal areas aren't out of the woods yet, with Civil Defence authorities and scientists electing keep the tsunami warning in place.
The first wave has reached the Chatham Islands, after a massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit Chile overnight. An official tsunami alert remains in place for New Zealand's entire east coast.
Herald photographer Sarah Ivey recalls a trip to Lake Ellery in the deep south.
Dave Cade is pushing hard to keep didymo - or rock snot - out of Taupo waterways.
Thoughts of Brokeback Mountain lead Brownlee to decline rival's invitation.