Landlord ordered to pay tenant $30k
Renting an old property out cheaply doesn't excuse landlords from ensuring it's habitable.
Renting an old property out cheaply doesn't excuse landlords from ensuring it's habitable.
St John service offers transport to and from health-related appointments in Whangārei.
Two small hospitals are reportedly using teleheath to service overnight patients.
Health NZ said it had made changes since the complaint was made.
The club was delighted to receive the funding.
Public losing confidence in police after long wait times spanning more than an hour.
News snippets from the Far North.
Ninety Mile Beach mussels helping to save Hauraki Gulf marine system.
Training success for Northland Heritage NZ staff.
Far North dartist's world youth champs appearance could lead to career.
Four drownings in Northland already double 2023 total for same time of year.
Staff frequently receive messages asking them to cover shifts at rural hospitals.
Cement supplies might be needed from other domestic and offshore businesses.
Doctor vacancies and a reduction in planned care over summer are chief culprits.
One Carrington employee has been ordered to repay the compensation she was awarded.
Another day, another Brynderwyns announcement – will this one come through for Northland?
The tranquil environment also contributes positively to therapeutic outcomes for clients.
A catio is a dedicated safe space for your cat.
Annual count of the nation's garden birds has ended with record-high participation.
The dairy owner was assaulted before the offenders fled.
Experts are monitoring a highly contagious strain of bird flu as it nears New Zealand
Emergency services spent three hours searching for the vessel.
Northland MP Grant McCallum had a productive meeting with Transpower about compensation.
News snippets from the Far North.
Hokianga residents' concerns about St John ambulance services are heading to Parliament.
The man made his first appearance in the Whangārei District Court this morning.
Tributes are being paid to the former FNDC stalwart, who has passed away aged 83.
Northlanders are having to make tough decisions about insurance as premiums soar.
A discovery in Waipoua Forest is tempered by the presence of caviar-eating rats.
Simeon Brown has announced accelerated work on a new four-lane expressway.