- Sunrise:
- Sunset:
Rain, easing in the morning, clearing in the afternoon, but remaining cloudy. Southerlies, easing in the afternoon.
For more detailed weather information visit MetService.
Marine Coastal Forecasts - Chatham Islands

Monday : Variable 10 knots. Southerly 20 knots developing in the evening. Sea becoming moderate. Long period southwest swell 2 metres. Poor visibility in periods of rain from afternoon.
Outlook following 3 days: Tuesday: Southerly 20 knots. Moderate southwest swell. Wednesday: Southerly 15 knots. Moderate southwest swell. Thursday: Southerly 10 knots. Moderate southwest swell.
Marine Coastal Forecasts - Conway

Monday : Southerly 20 knots, easing to variable 10 knots in the afternoon. Northeast 15 knots developing in the evening. Moderate sea easing. Long period southwest swell rising to 2 metres late. Poor visibility in scattered rain, clearing afternoon.
Outlook following 3 days: Tuesday: Northeast 15 knots, easing to variable 10 knots in the afternoon. Moderate southwest swell easing. Wednesday: Northeast 10 knots. Thursday: Northerly 10 knots, changing southwest 15 knots early. Turning southeast 15 knots later.