- Sunrise:
- Sunset:
Mostly cloudy, with a few showers, clearing in the evening. Southerlies developing in the morning.
For more detailed weather information visit MetService.
Marine Recreational Forecasts - Mana

Area Description:
Inshore waters from Pukerua Bay to Makara Beach.
A front moves over central New Zealand today and becomes slow moving over the lower North Island. The front weakens and continues to slowly move northwards tomorrow. Meanwhile, a ridge or high pressure builds over the South Island. On Wednesday, a weakening front continues to move slowly northwards over the North Island. Meanwhile a weak ridge of high pressure covers the South Island. A new cold front moves north over the South Island on Thursday and Friday, and a weak ridge covers the North Island.
Nils for COOK and STEPHENS
Monday: Northwest 20 knots. Changing southerly 15 knots this morning, then changing easterly 10 knots this evening. Moderate sea easing this morning. Fair visibility in scattered showers, clearing this afternoon. Northwest swell half a metre dying out.
Outlook until midnight Thursday: Tuesday: Easterly 10 knots, easing to variable 5 knots in the morning. Partly cloudy. Wednesday: Variable 5 knots, becoming northerly 10 knots later. Becoming fine. Thursday: Northerly 10 knots, rising to northeast 20 knots early. Easing to variable 5 knots later. Partly cloudy.
Marine Recreational Forecasts - Kapiti

Area Description:
Inshore waters from Waitarere to Pukerua Bay and out to Kapiti Island.
A front moves over central New Zealand today and becomes slow moving over the lower North Island. The front weakens and continues to slowly move northwards tomorrow. Meanwhile, a ridge or high pressure builds over the South Island. On Wednesday, a weakening front continues to move slowly northwards over the North Island. Meanwhile a weak ridge of high pressure covers the South Island. A new cold front moves north over the South Island on Thursday and Friday, and a weak ridge covers the North Island.
Nils for COOK and STEPHENS
Monday: Northwest 15 knots. Changing southerly 15 knots this morning, then easing to easterly 10 knots this afternoon. Sea slight. Fair visibility in showers, clearing this afternoon. Westerly swell 1 metre dying out.
Outlook until midnight Thursday: Tuesday: Easterly 10 knots, easing to variable 5 knots in the morning. Fine. Wednesday: Variable 5 knots, becoming northeast 10 knots late. Becoming fine. Thursday: Northeast 15 knots, becoming northwest 10 knots early. Easing to variable 5 knots later. Partly cloudy.