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Tag team terror at polls
Whanganui Chronicle

Tag team terror at polls

Bullfighting and fox hunting pale into insignificance next to the blood-letting cut-and-thrust of local body elections. They're sanguinary gladiatorial bouts, risky to the health of combatants and onlookers alike. Paul Brooks presents the case for a ban.

Short generation in Scotland
Whanganui Chronicle

Short generation in Scotland

Three years ago Scots voted to stay part of Britain in a "once-in-a-generation" referendum on independence. Now they're going to have another vote, even though the future looks distinctly unpromising for an independent Scotland, writes Gwynne Dyer.

What happened to us?
Whanganui Chronicle

What happened to us?

Once we enjoyed a very high quality of life by world standards. Now that has gone and, sadly, we're leading the race to the bottom in some aspects of our lives. So what happened to New Zealand? Columnist Frank Greenall examines the question.

Celebrating rural heritage
Whanganui Chronicle

Celebrating rural heritage

The aim of the 2017 Hilux Rural Games (held in Manawatu last weekend) is to give back something of our legacy to the next generation, writes Rangitikei MP Ian McKelvie. A lot of what makes us who we are is based on our rural roots and values, he says.