Decile rating system a valuable tool for assessing need
The potential removal of the decile rating system for schools is a mix of the good, the bad and the indifferent.
The potential removal of the decile rating system for schools is a mix of the good, the bad and the indifferent.
Tomorrow is the vernal equinox. After a long winter, it is when the hours of daylight equal the hours of starlight.
What is happiness? It's an awfully big question when some of you will still be struggling with "what shall I have for breakfast?"
The two candidates' meetings run by the Chronicle for would-be Wanganui district councillors have been well attended and informative, sometimes inadvertently so.
Maori have embraced the internet and the worldwide web wholeheartedly since its development in the 1980s
Well, there you go - we have a new Labour leader and all seems right with the world again.
This year's commemoration of 9-11 was almost completely overshadowed by America's rush to war with Syria.
For those workers worried about the undermining of their rights under the new Employment Relations Amendment Bill, there could be worse around the corner.
A family member recently emailed the following after a weekend here: "Thanks for a lovely weekend, great company, great food, great excursions. Wanganui. Top town."
Back when I had a television and video player and the lads were in their early teens, we used to watch movies.
Being an outspoken, confident person who has always been fascinated by politics - both local and national
"Each time one of us thinks 'I'll just stand aside and things will happen without me and I'll wait,' then he is helping this disgusting feudal system that sits like a spider in the Kremlin," said Alexei Navalny.
Last week I got a little bit fired up by some ill-judged comments about Wanganui Collegiate which made the front page of this fine paper.
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" - so the British Parliament decided it didn't want to be shamed by following another prime minister into another unwinnable war on the basis, yet again, of shoddy intelligence.
I used to admire John Key. Even when I disagreed with his policies I found his political savvy impressive. Anyone who could co-opt and manage both John Banks and Tariana Turia on his team, had to be reckoned with.
Much approval ensued from my column where I criticised watching TV, playing, and doing everything else but talking while eating dinner - instead of sitting up at the table and conversing with each other.
Conservation Week (September 8-15) is a great opportunity for us to show support for our local environment.
Over the past two weeks we have seen the following computer system crashes: A three-hour network shutdown on August 22 that paralysed the Nasdaq stock exchange.