Letters: Cold comfort for bus travellers
Surely coach travellers are worthy of a better facility, not some throwback to the 1940s.
Surely coach travellers are worthy of a better facility, not some throwback to the 1940s.
Budget 2019 allocates $1 billion to the New Zealand rail system over two years.
To know what council spending might be stopped, we must first know the costs involved.
With our suicide rates twice as high as America's it really is a case of life and death
"It's been a hard day's night but you can't always get what you want," muses Terry Sarten.
COMMENT: Council's freshwater funding increase surprises, streaming decision disappoints.
Colorado's economy has, however, greatly benefited from the legalising of marijuana.
The terminally ill know they are going to die. It's only a choice of how and when.
It's false language used to describe false economics, but most don't see any dichotomy.
Perhaps it's Palliative Care who need to "take their heads out of the sand".
We must change our attitude to death and discuss it openly with family and friends.
Can Whanganui be the best place in New Zealand for an arts career?
Government needs to determine whether the big oil companies are in genuine competition.
We need a practical engineer with an iota of common sense to look for simple fixes.
COMMENT: Govt cronies hate dissent and are eyeing speech laws.
It's quite simple; just change banks to get the service you want.
It was 1992, I was planning my wedding, my expectations were high.
Thanks to Therese Enriquez for exposing a big problem in Wanganui — sadly, not a new one.
Devlin was hired for a gig with the world's hottest band, which has to look good on his CV
People who wear hoodies, with head down texting and ears plugged into music, are a danger.
Why drive very fast with sirens on when there was nowhere for the car being chased to go?
Whanganui's 1000th volunteer, homelessness and the little fire brigade that could
Really, who was the biggest cowboy on our beach with children around?
It seems the worst thing a parent can do in NZ is to wrap their child in cotton wool.
Dawning of the age ...? An Austrian company selects its staff based on their star sign.
Puzzles can help people over 60 maintain good eye health and brain activity.
The walkers are quietly being pushed off the traditional walkways in this town.
Horizons always seem an extra imposition, but at least I can enjoy their buses.
COMMENT: I don't want to go to Mars. I want to get Earth fixed.
Stop giving the likes of Shane Jones $1 billion to waste on hare-brained schemes.