Latest fromWC - Opinion

Hamish in Japan: A sword so sharp and strong and yet a work of art
Mayor Hamish McDouall files from Nagaizumi in Japan.

Frank Greenall: Windy City does conga line
Some may be unaware the capital is in commuter meltdown mode, writes Frank Greenall.

Editorial: School is only guilty of naivety
Mark Dawson on the fallout of boxer Joseph Parker's controversial visit to a city school.

Peter Lyons: The modern tyranny of metrics finds its way into teaching
Peter Lyons on being a SMART teacher

Rachel Stewart: Why kill animals after an 'attack'?
Comment: Animals attack us when we invade their space and we need to realise this.

Kevin Page: Winter is here and we're deep in Game of Thrones
Kevin Page talks about his addiction to the telly

Pressures of an ageing population a big challenge for the regions
Dr Natalie Jackson talks about ageing population in the regions

Gwynne Dyer: Strongmen beat down democracy in Asia
Hopes ebbing away for Southeast Asia

Conservation comment: The tides they are a-changing
Andrea Harris - conservation comment.

Nicola Patrick: Counting on things Kiwis really value
Why economic success isn't the only - or even the best - indicator of our progress

Your say: That drab bus depot is a poor look for Whanganui
Readers have their say on the bus station; bus service; Winston Peters; hostile despots

Editorial: Whanganui's new-found confidence sees it chase national award
It will take a big community effort -- but, yes, Whanganui can be NZ's most beautiful city

Terry Sarten: Time travel with 2020 vision ... it's looking good
The Goldilocks effect will see Whanganui booming by 2020.

Hamish in Japan: Eisenhower would have approved
Mayor Hamish McDouall files from Japan where a delegation is visiting our sister city.

Steve Braunias: Secret Diary of Winston Peters
COMMENT: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of my term as Acting PM.

Gwynne Dyer: Closing time at Europe's borders
Patience is running out over European migrants writes Gwynne Dyer.

Switching to plant-based diet far healthier for us and the planet
The arguments are growing around the benefits from avoiding meat, eggs and dairy.

Ian McKelvie: Past and future minds light up party conference
Insight and entertainment as Howard and Key joust at National Party conference

Chester Borrows: How are you getting on with your 'dash'?
It is hard not to reflect on those who lit the fire in us in the first place.

Your say: Hardline approach failing, Population shortfall
Readers write in: Hardline approach failing, Population shortfall

Frank Greenall: Winnie rises to the bait ...
Peters' competing thoughts periodically jam his gears, and his coherency loses traction.

Jay Kuten: Anger will hinder progress
Few things are more disheartening than having members of one's family murdered.

Russell Bell: Millennials offer a lesson for all in business today
Business Zen Russell Bell on hiring ther right people.

Your say: Use cloth nappies and save
Readers have their say: Joseph Parker, climate change and healthy homes

Horizons critics lining up
More are lining up to have a crack at Horizons over prosecutions.

Your say: Smart model to cut crime
Readers write in: Smart of crime, Trump, online shopping warning and life or death debate