David Seymour: Opponents running a campaign of fear, uncertainty and doubt
Honest views important on End of Life Choice Bill
Honest views important on End of Life Choice Bill
'Being a politician and a minister I am beyond the rules that apply to others.'
Kate Stewart takes a swipe at poor parenting
Readers get it off their chest: Rates rises; clubs amalgamation; fair minds and bigots
TV review All new Rosanne TV3
I appreciate everyone who has their say, even those like grouchy talkback radio callers.
COMMENT: "Nah, stop the bus. I'm leaving," I told the driver.
I kick myself more for what I didn't do and say, than feel proud of what I achieved
Your letters Thursday may 24, 2018
Frank Greenall looks at our prison system.
Dr Lisa Harper, Federated Farmers Regional Policy Advisor discusses rates
Shame of being spotted with a plastic shopping bag - like being caught smoking in public
Jay Kuten discusses an upcoming end of life debate.
Readers write about government debt; Mike Hosking; judge's failings and the Maori nation
Set Muslim against Muslim and sell weapons to create jobs
Technology has evolved to something almost as good as a holodeck.
MAYBE now people will get it ...
Readers write on royal flags; euthanasia; existence of god; alien life; heritage buildings
Scandal in My Kitchen Rules Australia episode this week
Rachel Rose goes ringside ... and has second thoughts about the value of boxing
NZ's prison population today is 10,588 — up from about 8000 four years ago
It's the royal wedding ... but Harry, Meghan, Charles and even the Queen have a problem
Hateful comments from those claiming to speak on behalf of all Christians makes me cringe
City centre cone zone puts drivers in the slow lane
Readers write about council voting; apostrophes; assisted dying; and democracy
Regular columnist Frank Greenall discuss the debt predator
A protester who sings to sheep before slaughter questions our meat-eating ways.