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Editorial: Wake-up call for pyjamas at the cinema
Dressing gowns get a dressing down at cinema where sartorial style matters

Your letters: Not good enough, council
Whanganui council should have hidden construction site for Anzac service.

Chester Borrows: Dressing down in a dressing gown
The most common response to unwillingness to meet a standard is to lower the standard.

Down the drain - it's been a problem for 150 years
A dog has fallen down the city centre drain ... and a horse ... and two gentlemen

Gwynne Dyer: Western democracy is broken
Some may argue that this is saving capitalism, but evolution is better than revolution.

Business Zen: Mentors inspire us to be the best
The greatest mentors in my life never had to explain themselves. They led by example.

Your letters: Good on you, Countdown
Not all autistics are locked into being Rain Man people (from the movie).

Frank Greenall: Commonwealth does its dash
International trade and communication have superseded Commonwealth ties.

Jay Kuten: Ardern shows grace under pressure
Ardern's "acceptance" of Trump's missile strike on Syria was diplomacy at its best.

Ian McKelvie: 103 years - the changing face of Anzac Day
From solemn parade to 'positive patriotism' - how Anzac Day has been kept alive

Your letters: Nurses talk sense on end-of-life issue
Nurses are at the front line of health services, from the cradle to the death bed.

Fred Frederikse: Ferns think they've got problems
Overpopulation, coupled with land growing export crops, raises the spectre of famine.

Kevin Page: Human seagulls scrap over fag-ends
I'm all for personal choice, but I deem butt-picking inappropriate, so I go out for a word

Conservation Comment: Working together pays
The Waitotara Conservation Area is a tramping backwater ripe for developing greater use.

Your letters: Fake attacks, fake response
White helmets, unprotected in T-shirts and jandals, "save" poisoned people. Totally fake.

Your say: Little girl gives mum a telling off
Readers get it off their chest -- bad language; news reporting and fluoride facts

Terry Sarten: Some blue sky thinking ... with occasional showers
How's the weather with you ... and what does it all mean?

Editorial: Please be careful what you 'accept', Jacinda
Ardern learning the language - and lessons - of international diplomacy

Steve Braunias: Secret Diary of Israel Folau
COMMENT: I'm the victim here. Intolerant people are hating on me.

Gwynne Dyer: Air strike shows grownups still in charge
There can't be a new Cold War; the Russians don't have the resources to hold up their end.

Your letters: Dublin St - a bridge too dark
The Dublin St Bridge's new LED lighting has turned out to be a disaster.

Chester Borrows: First World services elusive
We may well have pockets of citizenry who do not meet the definition of First World.

Opinion: Reminder of how intolerant religion can be
I think we should thank Israel Folau for reminding us how intolerant religion actually is.

The stories Karen leaves behind
Karen Ellett's approach to life is a lesson to us all.

Editorial: Royal fan gets treated like royalty
A cheeky request sees the nation's media chasing Whanganui woman

Frank Greenall: Simon says same old, same old
The crucial stats pertaining to general quality of life for Maori have been in free fall.

Your letters: What goes around comes around
No matter how much is spent making roads safer, incompetents will still cause accidents.

Your letters: Hospital waiting lists won't just go away
Waiting lists are out of control, with a waiting list being created for the waiting list.

Jay Kuten: The Wizard of manipulation
The Facebook wizard has reassured the timid lions, tin men and scarecrows of Congress.