Gwynne Dyer: Putin keeping Russia stable
How would post-Putin Russia revive its democracy in the face of opposition from oligarchs?
How would post-Putin Russia revive its democracy in the face of opposition from oligarchs?
The idea was so good, being go-ahead New Zealanders we naturally had to abandon it.
Stephen Hawking: Born: 8 January 1942, Died: 14 March 2018 - brave and brilliant.
The US may be ordered to close down the Mexican border completely within 20 years.
An MIT study shows falsehoods have far greater and faster reach than fact on social media.
I have always insisted on my right to actually practise what my country preaches.
Central Districts Field Days are on again this week. It's a great day out.
Bridges emphasis on female roles looks tokenist and naive.
Those with the resources to determine the truth seem so determined to keep it hidden.
Jones confuses medicinal cannabis with the 'dope' that has harmed remote Maori communities
Readers speak out - Catholic Church, abortion and social housing in the wrong place.
A home's most important attributes are more than skin deep. writes columnist Rachel Rose
Just because something is "trending", it doesn't make it right, let alone tasteful.
Columnist Terry Sarten is wondering where the cool went.
An out-of-control Chinese satellite carrying toxic chemicals is plummeting towards Earth
COMMENT: I left Parliament for the last time. I didn't look back.
New Zealand's boom and bust episodes are a fundamental economic flaw.
RTL spokesman Ken Orr's protest over the "separation of church and state" is surprising.
Census changes came too quickly.
The most likely volcanic effect on Whanganui District is a sprinkling of ash from Ruapehu
We need to tax the money-massagers enough to recompense all those doing the "proper jobs".
What could justify adding a fivefold velodrome operating expense to current council debt?
Regional rating for facilities used by minority pursuits is badly timed mayoral nonsense.
Bullying exists in the workplace as much as in everyday life.
You can't begin to solve a problem if you're not willing to acknowledge it's there.
COMMENT: Online technology is hugely important but too much can be detrimental.
'Mayors want Horizons to fund non-core facilities, but the poor old ratepayer pays twice.'
Plastic debris, transported by ocean currents around the entire globe, is found everywhere
Xi is not likely to "do a Mao" in China. But the mistakes will accumulate nevertheless.
Despite its mineral and horticultural riches, CAR is one of the world's poorest countries.